This Master Facilities plan is designed to provide recommendations for the next 15 years. In a rapidly evolving environment, the traditional metrics to predict growth and increased revenue based on that growth will not be sufficient as the only basis of determining Facility needs. The work positions the role of facilities as an extension of the mission, vision, and the strategic goals of the library, and defines the role and purpose of the facilities to work hard to improve the quality of life for the library users of Fresno County. This customized approach for Fresno County’s facilities master plan has resulted in a conceptual design narrative for the County’s 37 library facilities that honors the unique needs and aspirations of the communities. The work defines how and what the facilities will need to be in order to support the activities, programs and outcomes that each community will enjoy and benefit from for the next 15 years.This Facilities Master Plan will incorporate the Library’s current strategic plan while still being flexible enough to be used as a guide as new strategic plans are developed.